Visit Sao Tome and Principe



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About Sao Tome and Principe

São Tomé and Príncipe, located in the Gulf of Guinea off the west coast of Africa, forms a tropical paradise of natural beauty and cultural richness. This small country, consisting of two main islands, boasts beaches, dense rainforests and impressive volcanic peaks.

The cultural diversity of the islands combines African, European and Creole influences, which is reflected in the vibrant music, dance and art that permeate daily life. The islands' serene atmosphere offers a retreat from the hustle and bustle, allowing visitors to bask in the tranquility of sandy shores or explore hidden coves.

São Tomé and Príncipe's reputation as a producer of high-quality cocoa invites enthusiasts to explore cocoa plantations and learn about the art of chocolate making. The surrounding waters are a haven for marine life, and humpback whales make seasonal appearances here, providing an opportunity for unforgettable whale watching excursions.

The warm hospitality of the locals, known as Santomans, adds to the inviting atmosphere. The leisurely lifestyle on the islands encourages visitors to relax and experience a different way of life. A commitment to sustainable tourism emphasizes their dedication to preserving the islands' natural treasures, making them a true ecotourism gem.

In essence, São Tomé and Príncipe offers an escape to untouched beauty - a realm where landscapes, cultures and a relaxed pace of life converge to create a uniquely rejuvenating and unforgettable experience.

For more information on tourism, employment, study, immigration or medical treatment in São Tomé and Príncipe, please select your nationality in the search engine and the category you need.
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