
Employ foreign workers abroad: guidelines and requirements of work visas worldwide

Employ foreign workers abroad: guidelines and requirements of work visas worldwide

Working abroad is attracting more and more people. Find out all about the rules for obtaining a work visa, its types and the documents required for this

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An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside your home country

Modern people are not limited by borders and distances; the Internet era erases any barriers. Moving to a new country is already a common occurrence. People change countries, explore cultures, learn about life in a new place, and easily work and live in a foreign country. 

Any foreigner who decides to work abroad must obtain a work visa. 

How to get a work visa? Find general requirements, a list of documents and instructions in our article. 

Read everything you need to know about the European work visa here.

What is a work visa?

An employment visa is a document on the basis of which a foreigner is entitled to live and work in a foreign country. Basically, each country has its own list of requirements for foreigners who plan to apply for a work visa. However, there are some general migration rules that apply all over the world.

Who is eligible for a work visa?

To apply for a work visa, a foreigner must meet the following conditions: 

● be over 18 years of age (the average age of expats applying for a work visa is 35-55 years);

● have an employment contract with a foreign company and at least 3 years of experience in their field.

What types of work visas are there?

In general, there are two types of work visas: temporary and permanent. 

● A temporary visa is issued for a certain period, usually several years. After the expiration of this type of visa, the expatriate can extend the permit or return home. Some countries may also allow you to apply for a permanent work visa if you find a suitable job. 

● Permanent work visa - on the basis of a permanent work visa, a foreigner has the right to reside in the country for an unlimited amount of time. After several years, you can even apply for citizenship. 

Rules for obtaining a work visa

A work visa is issued on the basis of an employment contract, so in order to live and work in a new country on the basis of this permit, you must meet a number of requirements:

● It is forbidden to change employers without notifying the immigration authorities. 

● You must work in the same industry in which the work visa was issued, even if you change employers. 

● To have a valid work visa, you must continue to work at all times. 

● Unemployed persons usually have several months to find a new job and renew their work visa.

How to get a work visa? Detailed instructions

The procedure for obtaining a work visa can be divided into several stages:

1. You need to find a job in another country before applying for a work permit. After all, when applying for a visa, a foreigner must confirm the existence of an employment contract. 

2. Make an appointment at the embassy or consulate. Find a representative office of the future country of residence that issues work visas and make an appointment for a visa interview.

3. Prepare the necessary package of documents - collect all the necessary documents, translate and certify them in the relevant authorities if necessary. 

4. Submit the application. Usually, your employer applies for a work permit on your behalf, but in some cases, an expat will need to do it on his/her own. 

5. Attend a visa interview. On the set date, you need to visit the embassy or consulate and complete the visa application procedure. Also, in most cases, you will need to make a payment for the visa on that day. 

The list of documents required to apply for a work visa

● Application form for an employment visa. 

● Passport valid for at least six months. 

● Photo. 

● Proof of sufficient funds. 

Health insurance for foreign workers.

● Employment contract. 

● Resume and proof of work experience. 

● Letters of recommendation from previous employers. 

● Marriage certificate (if applying together with your spouse).

● Birth certificates of children (if applying with children).

● Other supporting documents requested by the visa department. 

How long does the procedure for obtaining a work visa take?

Usually, the procedure for obtaining an employment visa takes from three to six months. However, the exact processing time depends on the country, the type of your visa, and the embassy or consulate where you submitted your application. 

Applying for a work visa without an employer

Most types of visas require proof of an employment contract. Expats who have not yet found a job can apply for a job seeker visa, which is available only in certain countries, such as Germany. The second option is a freelancer or digital nomad visa. Many countries have a developed visa procedure for people who work remotely or are freelancers. 

There are a number of countries in the world to which expats most often apply for a work visa:

Work visa in the United States - several types of work permits are approved in the country, but the most common is the H1B work visa. However, in order to obtain this type of visa, a foreigner must have a relevant profession - IT specialist, architect, accountant, etc. 

Work visa in the UK - depending on the qualifications, a foreigner can apply for one of the available types of visas in the UK. The most popular visa for foreign workers in the country is Tier 2 General.

Work visa to Canada - most often expats apply for Express Entry Pathway, however, to be eligible for this type of visa, you need to obtain a certain score that measures your qualifications as a candidate.

Work visa to Australia - the country issues several types of work visas, both temporary and permanent. Most Australian work visas are applied for by an employer on behalf of an expatriate.

European work visa - the most common work permit in Europe is a blue card, which requires certain qualifications to obtain.

Duration of the work visa

The validity of your work permit depends on the country of residence and the type of work you have. Most work visas are issued for the same period as your employment contract. On average, a work visa is issued for a period of 1 to 10 years. 

Can I move to work with my family?

When moving on a work visa, you can bring your family (spouse and children) with you. Some countries may allow you to bring more family members, such as siblings, parents, etc. 

When can a work visa be refused?

There are many reasons why you may be denied a work visa, but the most common ones are:

● You have a criminal record;

● The application is incomplete;

● The expat does not meet the qualification criteria;

● You do not have a job offer. 

Moving to a new country and applying for a work visa is a rather complicated process that requires a certain amount of experience and knowledge. To find the perfect country for relocation and prepare all the necessary documents, seek advice from highly qualified lawyers.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Medical insurance all over the world;

Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues (to receive the service, select the country of interest and citizenship).

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