
The labour market in Moldova: how to apply for a work visa and what documents are needed for this

The labour market in Moldova: how to apply for a work visa and what documents are needed for this

Emigration to Southern Europe for work has certain particularities. After all, the economies of many countries in the region are still at a stage of development. However, working in these countries can become the first step towards migration to Western European countries. In particular, many employers in Moldova represent multinational corporations. Although the local labour market also needs skilled professionals in certain fields. Therefore, we discuss whether it pays to choose Moldova to work abroad.

Specifics of employment in Moldova

There is a clear distinction between regulated and unregulated professions in Moldova. This means that a limited list of specialities is available to foreigners for legal employment. Information on this can be found on the website of the National Employment Agency. And in Moldova, most foreign workers need to confirm their qualifications. Only representatives of countries that have signed the Lisbon Convention do not need this. Their citizens can work in Moldova even without a permit.

The official language in the country is Romanian. Speaking it significantly increases the chances of finding a job. English is essential in Moldova for foreigners who expect a prestigious job. The next largest percentage of the Moldovan population communicates in Russian. Therefore, native speakers of this language may try to find work in a Russian-speaking environment. 

Labour market in Moldova

Almost a third of current job vacancies offer work in the Moldovan capital. Therefore, it will be more difficult to find a job somewhere else in the region. Textile specialists such as seamstresses and slicers are most in demand. Handymen, construction workers, agricultural specialists, drivers, engineers and craftsmen are still in demand. Medical personnel and doctors are among the most sought-after in Moldova, but language skills and work experience are mandatory for these professions. Recently, working from home has also become popular in Moldova, for example in the IT industry.

Work visa to Moldova

To work in Moldova, all foreigners must have a work visa. It is issued for a maximum of one year (renewable). The consular fee is €40. It is also possible to obtain an electronic visa on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. To clarify all the legal issues regarding the process of obtaining a work permit in Moldova, we advise you to consult a specialist.

Package of documents required for a work visa:

  • completed visa application form;
  • application from the National Employment Agency;
  • confirmation of current place of residence;
  • invitation from the Moldovan Migration and Asylum Office;
  • certificate of clean criminal record translated into Romanian and English;
  • confirmation of financial security;
  • health insurance that is valid in the country.

  • Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

    Travel guide for 200 countries;

    Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues;

    Travel insurance around the world (please select the country of interest and citizenship to receive services);

    Medical insurance all over the world.

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