
Top 5 cities in the world to live in 2023 by Compare Mark

Top 5 cities in the world to live in 2023 by Compare Mark

Changing the place of residence is quite a complicated process. Choosing a city to live in depends on many factors, including cost of living, crime rate, health care, and others. Read more about Compare Mark's ranking of the best cities in the world to move to

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside your home country
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside your home country

In the modern world, changing one's place of residence is quite a common process, many people change cities, some change countries. However, there is a list of cities that are recognized as the best in the world and moving to which will definitely change your life for the better.

What kind of cities are these? Let's talk further.

What influenced the choice of the best cities to live in?

The Compare Mark company has published a ranking of the best cities in the world to move to. The analysis was compiled taking into account the following indicators:

• Unemployment rate (%)

• Monthly salary after taxes

• Mortgage interest rate (%)

• Monthly living expenses

• Crime rates

• Quality of health care

• Number of places of interest

• Mentions in social networks

• Risk of flooding

Would you like to receive answers to questions about moving to another country? Order legal advice from a local specialist in visa and migration issues using the link. To receive the service, select the country you are interested in and your citizenship.

The best city in the world to live in is Singapore

Singapore took the first place, because the city can offer an excellent quality of life, it has the lowest unemployment rate (2.25%) and low mortgage rates. The city is also the leader in terms of average wages. The number of places of interest is more than 3,000.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining a residence permit, obtaining citizenship, rules for obtaining a long-term visa in Singapore and other useful information about living in the country are available at the link.

Tokyo, Japan ranks second in the ranking

The capital of Japan came in second place thanks to the high quality of health care services, low unemployment and many places of interest - 12,131 attractions. The average monthly salary after taxes in Tokyo is $2,672.

Dubai, UAE ranks third

On the third step is Dubai, which has the second-to-last place in terms of unemployment - 1.6%. The city also showed the lowest crime rate and ranked fifth in the number of attractions. The mortgage rate in Dubai was 4.5%, and the monthly salary after taxes was $4,680. The average cost of living was $991.35. The negative factors include the high risk of flooding — more than 20%.

A detailed checklist on the rules for obtaining various types of visas and work permits in the United Arab Emirates can be purchased here.

Sydney, Australia is fourth in the World's Best Cities ranking

Sydney is the first Australian city to make the top. It has a high quality of medical care (sixth place on our list) and a high monthly salary of $4,212.50.

The fifth place in the rating of the Best cities to live is Toronto, Canada

Rounding out the top five is Canada's largest city, Toronto. Here, mortgage rates are low (2.8%). The average monthly salary is about $3,000. There is also much to see in Toronto - more than 2,000 places of interest.

Houston also made it to the Top 10 thanks to the high average monthly salary of $5,000. The most affordable coastal city was Taipei, due to the lowest average monthly cost of living — $1,760. Australian Perth, New York and Edinburgh close the top.

Learn about the seven European countries where real estate is the best to buy in 2023.

Pay attention! You can find out more about the rules of moving, obtaining a residence permit, etc. in any country in the world on our website in the "Products" section. To do this, select the citizenship and the country that interests you.

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